AG-ADVICE is aimed at professional investors. That is investors with the opportunity to invest a minimum of DKK 750,000 through company funds, unrestricted funds, or pension funds.
Investment through
Taxation of capital gains
As an investment through AG-ADVICE is an unlisted share, a capital gain will be tax-free.
Taxation of dividends
You will receive tax-free dividends on an ownership interest of at least 10% of the investment company. With an ownership share of less than 10% of the investment company, your company is taxed at 15.4%.

Investment of
free resources
Taxation of dividends and capital gains
You are taxed according to the share capital gains tax rules on dividends and capital gains. The taxation in 2022 is a payment of 27 % up till DKK 57.200 annually and 42% for amounts over DKK 57,200. You can also deduct any loss. (https://skat.dk)

Investment in
pension funds
Taxation of dividends and capital gains
Of annual dividends and the annual price increases of the shares, 15.3% is answered in PAL taxation.
The following rules apply to investing in unlisted shares through a pension depository.
Taxation of dividends and capital gains
You can invest 20% of the first DKK 2 million in the depot.
You can invest 50% of the deposit from DKK 2 million to DKK 4 million.
You can invest 75% of the deposit at over DKK 4 million.

Jesper Brunhøj Jensen
CEO and owner of AG-ADVICE
Jesper has a strong profile with more than 30 years of experience in farming and agricultural investments.

Gustav Edgard
Head of Capital Raising
Gustav is responsible for the daily contact with existing and potential investors. His task is to ensure adequate insight into our projects.
At AG-ADVICE, you get a workplace driven by passion and commitment.