Cookie and privacy policy

Cookie and privacy policy

Last updated on November 1st. 2020.

  1. Data controller
    The data controller for the processing of your personal data is:

CVR No .: 30820797
Th. Nielsens Gade 47, 7400 Herning
Telephone number.: +45 30 30 39 49

This cookie and personal data policy relate to the use of and the data collected and stored from here.

  1. Cookie and privacy policy

When you visit our website, information about you is collected, which is used to customize and improve our content and to increase the value of the ads displayed on the page. If you do not want information to be collected, you should delete your cookies (see instructions) and refrain from further use of the Website. Below is information that is collected, including purposes and which third parties have access to it.

  1. Cookies
    The website uses “cookies”, this is a text file which is stored on your computer, smartphone or similar. for the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics and targeting advertising. It is possible to delete or block cookies at any time. Read more under guidance: The website contains cookies from third parties such as:
    1. Facebook
    2. Google Ads
  1. General personal information

Personal information is information that can be attributed to you. When you use our website, we collect and process a number of pieces of information. It happens e.g. by alm. access to content if you sign up for our newsletter, register as a user or subscriber and other use of our services. We typically collect and process the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, geographical location, and which pages you click on. To the extent that you yourself give explicit consent to this and enter the information yourself, the following is also processed: Name, telephone number, e-mail, address. This is typically done in connection with ordering material, inquiries through the website or subscribing to newsletters.

  1. Security
    We have taken technical and organizational measures to prevent your information from being accidentally or illegally deleted, published, lost, degraded or made known to unauthorized persons, misused or otherwise processed in violation of the law.
  1. Purpose
    The information is used to identify you as a user and show you the ads that are most likely to be relevant to you. In addition, we use the information to optimize our services and content.
  1. Period of storage

The information is stored for the period permitted by law, and we will delete it when you are no longer in dialogue with us or want to be deleted. The period depends on the duration of the course.

  1. Disclosure of personal information
    Information is shared in accordance with good data processing practice, and only with another party who processes information on behalf of AG-ADVICE ApS. Information will never be sold to another party.
    We have entered into a data processor agreement with all our partners, which contains our instructions to the customer on the processing of your personal data.
  1. Insights and complaints
    You have the right to be informed of the personal data we process about you. You can also revoke your consent for information about you to be processed. Inquiries about this should be made to: If you want to complain about our processing of your personal data, you also have the opportunity to contact The Data Inspectorate


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